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Huawei Partners with Charity to Empower Kenyans with Digital Literacy


Nairobi, Kenya

Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications company, has partnered with MaMa Doing Good, a non-profit organization in Kenya founded by First Lady Rachael Ruto, to improve digital skills for women and girls. Under a memorandum of understanding, over 14,000 women’s groups will benefit from the transfer of digital skills.

The strategic partnership aims to equip MaMa Doing Good and the women they serve with devices for learning and digital literacy training, empowering women in Kenya with essential digital skills and bridging the digital divide. John Chumo, CEO of MaMa Doing Good, emphasized the importance of investing in digital skills for gender equality, poverty eradication, and shared prosperity. Steven Zhang, deputy CEO of Huawei Kenya, emphasized the partnership’s aim to advance social and economic progress among women by leveraging modern technology.

Huawei has partnered with a Kenyan charity organization, Digital Pathways Foundation, to provide digital literacy skills to Kenyan citizens. This partnership is a significant step towards bridging the digital divide and fostering digital inclusion. Kenya faces a significant digital divide, with urban areas benefiting from advanced digital infrastructure and education opportunities, while rural communities often face marginalization.

Huawei, a global leader in information and communication technology, believes that every individual should have access to the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital age. The partnership between Huawei and Digital Pathways Foundation promises tangible benefits to Kenyan citizens, enabling them to access education, find employment, and participate fully in the digital economy.

Huawei and the Kenyan charity organization, ‘Digital Pathways Foundation,’ have announced a partnership to address societal challenges, including digital inclusion. Huawei will provide financial support, training resources, and access to its cutting-edge technology, while Digital Pathways Foundation will leverage its network and expertise to reach underserved communities. The partnership is a testament to the power of collective action, as it aims to make a difference in the lives of many Kenyans who have been left behind in the digital revolution. The partnership was announced at a press conference in Nairobi.

The Digital Literacy Initiative in Kenya aims to improve digital literacy among citizens. Key components include establishing digital literacy centers in underserved areas, providing comprehensive training programs, engaging with local communities to understand their needs, creating a digital platform offering free online courses and resources, and providing job placement support for program graduates. The initiative is designed to cater to the unique requirements of each region, ensuring that the initiative is tailored to the unique needs of each region.

The Huawei-Digital Pathways Foundation partnership is a model for technology companies and charitable organizations collaborating to drive positive social change. The partnership aims to empower Kenyan citizens with digital skills and knowledge.

The Kenyan government has pledged support for this partnership, with Hon. Jane Wanjuki, Cabinet Secretary for Information and Communication Technology, emphasizing the importance of digital inclusion in the country’s development agenda. The partnership aligns with the vision for a digitally empowered Kenya and the government is looking forward to working closely with Huawei to ensure its success.

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