Is psychiatry really a scientific discipline? And what is a mentally ill person?
A little over thirteen years ago I read on the cover of a health magazine, very critical of the traditional medical system, the headline: Is psychiatry a scientific discipline or a scam? And I have always thought that it would be interesting to capture the spirit of that headline and write a not too extensive book on the subject. Today, as we approach the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, it becomes increasingly urgent to permanently denounce the serious and false pandemic into which these doctors and big pharmaceutical companies are making us fall: mental illness.
Regardless of how history has treated people who have had the misfortune of falling into the hands of an atrociously aggressive psychiatry, with practices such as Lobotomies, Electroshock, chemical experiments, and an atrocious catalog, perfectly documented by historians and doctors in enough sections, we now add how easy it has been for these doctors to instill a false paradigm, where the “alleged mentally ill” It seems that it was born, when the reality is that more and more, different “disorders” are coined in order to pigeonhole the greatest number of people into them, without any scientific basis.
In 2008, in a publication dedicated to health, he prepared a very interesting article-interview, where Juan Pundik, a prestigious psychoanalyst, with more than 40 years of experience, founder and director of the Spanish School of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, and founder-president of FILIUM, Association for the prevention of Child Abuse, among many other activities, highlighted that “millions of children around the world are being unfairly (2008) medicalized to ‘treat’ non-existent ‘behavioral disorders’.
The reference report, extensive and abundant in data, with references to the use of psychotropics already in World War II by the Nazis and the communists of the Soviet Union, as well as many other countries to achieve population control, at any price, throughout recent history, led to a question that I think is relevant to bring up, because, after more than fifteen years, it brings us closer to some of the “concerns of current psychiatrists” without wanting to denounce themselves that those muds and other previous ones, have brought us, almost with total guarantee, the remains of the increase in suicides in modern societies and the continued abuse of the so-called zombie drug: Fentanyl.
-What drugs do you consider are being prescribed excessively and inappropriately?
–As part of this anti-medicalization campaign, in April 2006 I published ‘The Hyperactive Child’, a work in which I denounced the massive prescription of Rubifen, Concerta, Ritalin and methylphenidate to which children are generally being subjected. I denounced the non-existence of ADHD or Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity, of the corrupt psychiatric bible that represents the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders -DSM- and of the ‘pediatric cocaine’ of which the drug actually consists. ‘methylphenidate’.
If you are interested you can read everything related to the Rubifen and its main component methylphenidate: TOP ::. RUBIFEN 20 mg TABLETS LEAFLET (
Regarding said DRUGS in capital letters, Juan Pundik himself argued in 2008: Let’s not forget that the Rubifen package insert indicates dry mouth, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nausea, nervousness, palpitations, skin reactions and blood pressure changes as possible side effects. And according to some studies it can cause the sudden death of the child. A paragon of virtues. The same leaflet indicates that it should not be administered to children under 6 years of age and also warns that its use can generate amphetamine-type dependence. Today methylphenidate, a selective inhibitor of the reuptake of dopamine, noradrelin and serotonin, is considered one of the most addictive drugs.

But since this medication is so dangerous, like many others that are on the market today, when secondary symptoms arise, the doctor, in most cases, counterattacks with more medication for the pain or discomfort that has occurred, without take into account the origin. And it is when we reach over-medicalization where we find patients who take an exacerbated amount of medications with no possibility of cure, except for ending up turned into a zombie, where they will end up being blamed by the medical class, being branded as addicted.
And when they give you the label of addicted, It is because in general they have not known how to face or manage doctors’ instructions wisely. And therefore you are a mentally ill definitive, since, like a stigma, you will carry said disease The addiction, throughout your life, with the doctor or psychiatrist being the one who will go on television to clearly say that these people have little capacity to face a reasoned or reasonable solution.
It is at this point that the human rights of these people slip down the toilet without anyone doing anything to review in a real way the gears that move the real industry behind psychiatry.
For those of us who walk on leaden feet treading nauseating puddles like this, sometimes we see that there are too many mental diseases, too many excesses, too many stories that make us fear that something dark and sinister is hidden, at least in some of the historical atrocities of which some psychiatrists have been protagonists throughout history, all of them with names and surnames.
I closed the notebook on November 24, 2023, at 11:03 with the purpose of collecting information for other stories.
As always, search and search for information on the Internet, in books, from people, and when you see that you already take more than a couple of pills a day, look for a trusted doctor who can dedicate a little more than five minutes to you and try to solve your problems. doubt, your life may be in danger. And of course, do not self-medicate or abandon any treatment without a qualified expert, unless it is possible that he or she is not the person who prescribed the medication.
DSALUD Magazine, no. 128
DSALUD Magazine, no. 104