A Starbucks employee who got fired decided to take revenge on the company in a severe way. All the secret recipes for Starbucks drinks were revelead on a social media platform called X. Even pictures of the secret ingredients used in Starbucks beverages were posted online. The images they shared went viral on X, formerly known as Twitter. But this isn’t the first time that Starbucks recipes have been leaked in this manner. Other employees who were let go by the company have done the same thing in the past, leaking Starbucks shake recipes on TikTok.
The viral thread that was shared on X contained recipes for almost 41 Starbucks drinks, including their famous shakes and coffees. Starbucks is a well-known brand that serves millions of customers around the world, and their products are often quite expensive. The company is also known for selling its cold brews and iced coffees in their stores. With these leaked recipes, people can now make Starbucks-style drinks in the comfort of their own homes.
The reactions to this post on X were quite varied. Some users were excited about the idea of making their own Starbucks-style drinks and even naming them after themselves, like “Ariane Grande.” Others felt that there was no longer a need to visit Starbucks when they could make the drinks at home. But not everyone was on board with this idea. Some users pointed out that the Starbucks experience isn’t just about the taste of the drinks, but also the ambiance and vibe of the Starbucks store. They argued that you can’t replicate that at home.
In addition to these comments, many users expressed their happiness at having access to the recipes. By the time this article was written, the post had received 20,700 likes and had been viewed nearly 918,800 times.