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Ukraine will become a member of NATO on July 12


is a group of 31 countries, which includes 29 European countries and 2 North American countries. All the member countries of NATO help each other in military matters. Small countries involved in NATO get the most benefit from this.

Keeping this in mind, Ukraine also wants to become a member of NATO for a long time. However, Ukraine has not got success in this so far. Ukraine’s desire to join NATO was one of the main reasons for the start of the war with Russia. Now the Secretary General of NATO has said a big thing about Ukraine joining NATO.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg recently Said a statement talking about Ukraine joining NATO in the future. Stoltenberg said that Ukraine would become a NATO member in the future, which would be confirmed at the upcoming NATO summit.

When and where will the next NATO summit be held?

NATO’s 2023 summit will be held on July 11-12 in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania. It will be attended by representatives of all NATO member countries.

Ukraine wanted to become a member of NATO to avoid the danger of war with Russia

Ukraine and Russia are neighbours of each other. But there has been tension in both countries for a long time. In such a situation, Ukraine also had an apprehension that Russia could attack it and it happened. To avoid this danger, Ukraine wanted to join NATO, because if Ukraine were a member of NATO, NATO’s army would also be with Ukraine, and in such a situation, it would not be the right decision for Russia to attack Ukraine and probably this war would have started. does not happen.

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