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New York

Developing Countries Struggle to Process Plastic Waste, Reveals Euronews Article


In a thought-provoking article published by Daniel Harper for Euronews, the alarming surge in global plastic production is brought to light. With over half of all plastics ever made originating from 2000 onwards, the article emphasizes the urgent need to address the escalating plastic waste crisis.

Developing countries, particularly from the Global South, face significant challenges in processing plastic waste.

The article explores the key insights shared by Dr. Tobias Nielsen, a renowned researcher on climate and sustainability politics, and highlights the role of the European Union (EU) in aiding waste management efforts. Additionally, it sheds light on the United Nations’ pursuit of a global treaty to combat plastic pollution and eliminate waste on a worldwide scale.

Key Points:

  1. Growing Plastic Production and Environmental Impact:
    • Over 50% of plastics ever produced have been manufactured since 2000, indicating a concerning trend.
    • Global plastic production is projected to exceed 1 billion tonnes by 2050, exacerbating the environmental impact.
  2. Challenges Faced by Developing Countries:
    • Developing nations struggle to manage plastic waste due to their responsibility in handling waste from wealthier nations.
    • Dr. Tobias Nielsen emphasizes that both national governments and companies operating in developing countries must take responsibility for developing effective plastic waste management systems.
  3. The Role of the European Union:
    • The EU plays a crucial role in supporting waste management efforts in developing countries.
    • Preventing the transfer of EU plastic waste to developing nations is vital, and the EU can provide assistance in developing waste management systems.
  4. United Nations’ Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution:
    • The United Nations is actively seeking agreement on a global treaty to combat plastic pollution.
    • This collaborative effort aims to raise awareness, promote international cooperation, and mitigate the devastating environmental impact caused by plastic waste.


The Euronews article highlights the urgent need for action to address the global plastic waste crisis. Developing countries face unique challenges in managing plastic waste, necessitating effective waste management systems and international collaboration.

With the support of the European Union and the pursuit of a global treaty by the United Nations, there is hope for mitigating the environmental impact and finding sustainable sol

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