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Pineapple and our body | -europeantimes.news-


When Christopher Columbus returned from one of his trips to America, back in the 16th century, he brought with him a fruit completely unknown in Europe and which was named pineapple because of its resemblance to the pine cone.

Its scientific name is Ananas Comosus, and in South American countries it is known as “ananas”, translated as “delicious fruit” in Portuguese.

In Spain, the cultivation of this fruit occurs entirely in the Canary Islands.

Originally from Brazil, currently, according to experts, the best pineapple in the world is produced in Costa Rica in the “plane pineapple” variety.

For those inexperienced in choosing a pineapple, it must be said that the ripening point is known when, gently pulling on the leaves, and if they come off, it means that it is perfect for consumption. We can also see the pointed green tip, known as the frond and there, depending on its darker color, it will be ripe.

Pineapple deteriorates at temperatures below 7ºC, so it is not advisable to leave it unopened in the refrigerator, since a cool, dry place is ideal to preserve it. Now, if it is peeled and cut, we should leave it in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap and consume it as soon as possible.

We all know it and have eaten its refreshing pulp, or drank the juice obtained by squeezing it, even the most daring have perpetrated a dialectical struggle with it over tastes, specifically whether it is appropriate to use it or not as an ingredient in a pizza. But for tastes…

What not all of us know is the amount of benefits that its intake brings us. Thus, we must know that 86% of its weight is made up of water, which makes pineapple an important source of hydration and that its calories are minimal, tending to deceive its sweet flavor.

For every 100 grams, pineapple provides us with about 50 kcal, 13.12% carbohydrates, but be careful, these are slow absorption and are beneficial for the body; It has 18% ascorbic acid and 9.85% sugars, these being sucrose, glucose and fructose and which depend on the ripening time of the fruit. The more time in the tree, the more caloric intake. We will have verified this when eating a pineapple that is rather tender to the touch, its flavor is much sweeter, from which we can deduce that the proportion of sugar has increased in the fruit.

Pineapple has minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamin C. In addition, its consumption is excellent for people with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.

What we don’t usually use about this fruit is its rind. From this part of the pineapple you can obtain dietary fiber and phenols. It is good to know that pineapple peel, boiled and infused after meals or between meals, serves to reduce inflammation and also pain and combats constipation. This will not provide us with fiber, but its moisturizing action helps to soften stools.

Thanks to pineapple we can regulate our intestinal transit, due to its high fiber content compared to other fruits. It is also beneficial for improving the digestive system, avoiding intestinal problems such as diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. Of course, it should be taken fresh, since heat cancels the action of bromelain, which is a proteolytic enzyme present in the stem and fruit of pineapple and that helps us lose weight.

There are aspects of pineapple that are often unknown, such as the fact that it is anti-inflammatory and, therefore, very good for cases of tendinitis and rheumatic conditions with edema in the limbs.

It improves eye health, thanks to the beta-carotenes that this fruit has, and helps keep bones strong due to the calcium it provides and the regeneration of its cells.

It is recommended for the liver if consumed regularly and helps eliminate the water that we retain in the body’s tissues and that can cause pain in our legs and hands, gout or weight gain or cellulite.

If you are cold and have mucus, do not stop taking pineapple, as it helps eliminate it. It is also indicated for the good condition of blood vessels and thus helps us avoid blood circulation problems, increased blood pressure and the formation of clots or the risk of embolisms.

It protects our skin by helping the healing of skin ulcers and burns.

Finally, we will highlight that it interferes with the development of malignant cells and reduces the risk of metastasis of some types of cancer. Its help in chemotherapy treatments is being investigated, and it seems to have a positive effect by enhancing its effects.

It must also be taken into account that there are risks in consuming this food, especially for people who suffer from gastroduodenal ulcer and gastritis, due to its acid content and its ability to increase the production of gastric juices.

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