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DRC/EAC: Lobbyists want EACRF to act on alleged M23 massacres


A report by Human Rights Watch released this month is the latest of many reports that have accused M23 rebels of massacring civilians in areas that they occupied for months.

Claims that M23 massacred residents were reported as early as November 2022 by the Congolese government and UN human rights office in DRC. In April, French newswire AFP also published an expose on the massacre. As time has passed, more horrifying details of the alleged massacres have come to the fore.

In its report, HRW says it interviewed 21 residents in Kishishe by telephone in April and May, after the M23 withdrew from the area, “including some who said they had witnessed executions or whom the M23 forced to bury bodies”.

Others had voluntarily buried bodies after the M23 left the area. Through interviews, the rights organisation says it got information on 14 mass graves which “appear to be only a fraction of the

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