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27 Pakistani refugees died in Greece boat accident, Human trafficking became big issue


Shehbaz Sharif’s government has been rocked by the controversy raging in the country following the death of 27 Pakistani refugees in a boat sinking near Greece. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has also got an opportunity to corner the Government and the Establishment (Army + Intelligence leadership).

In an attempt to deflect criticism over the issue, the Sharif government decided to observe a nationwide day of mourning on Monday. Also announced to investigate of the incidents of Pakistanis illegally taking people out of the country.

A total of 79 people died in the sinking of a boat going to illegally enter Europe. It was later learned that a large number of Pakistanis were on board the boat. 27 Pakistanis have been identified among the dead. Among those who survived the accident, 12 are Pakistanis. According to reports, apart from those people, there were about 50 more Pakistanis on board, who are still missing.

There has been a hue and cry in Pakistan since this news came. People are considering it as the result of unbridled human trafficking and the government is being criticized for its failure to stop it. Imran Khan has said that Pakistan has been ruled by some people and certain sections instead of establishing the rule of law from the beginning. It is the result of this that the country is in such poverty and misery today and because of this people are running away from the country.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has now ordered officials to identify human traffickers. It is reported that this business is going on in Pakistan on a large scale, in which people are taken abroad illegally by showing their greed for a happy life. According to some reports, about a dozen people have been detained in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir following the Prime Minister’s order. Many of the victims of the accident were from this area.

On the other hand, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan has formed a special team, headed by a DIG rank, to identify the victims of the sea accident near Greece and to bring back those who have gone abroad. Officers will do.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister’s Office has formed an investigation team, which has been asked to collect information about the facts related to the Greece ferry accident. The committee will also find out the loopholes in the laws of Pakistan due to which the people of the country are becoming victims of human trafficking. The committee has also been asked to suggest immediate and long-term measures to stop human trafficking.

Prime Minister Sharif announced on Sunday that flags at government offices would fly at half-mast on Monday as a mark of respect to those killed in the accident and condolences would be expressed to the families of the victims.

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