NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is a group of 31 countries, which includes 29 European countries and 2 North American countries. All the member countries of NATO help each other in military matters. Small countries involved in NATO get the most benefit from this.
Keeping this in mind, two other European countries, Sweden and Finland, are also seeking to join NATO. Finland became the 31st member country of NATO in April this year. But Sweden, which has applied to join NATO along with Finland, has not been successful. The reason for this is Turkey, another NATO member country, becoming an obstacle in the way of Sweden. But recently the President of Turkey has put a big condition in front of Sweden to join NATO.
By fulfilling which condition Sweden can join NATO?
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has long been an obstacle in the way of Sweden becoming a member of NATO. But recently, Erdogan has put a big condition in front of Sweden, fulfilling which Sweden can get NATO membership. Erdogan has recently placed a condition in front of Sweden and NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg that if Sweden stops the Kurdistan protests against Turkey in its country, Turkey will offer to join NATO. A green signal will be given.
Since 1978, there has been a conflict between Turkey and Kurdish militants. Türkiye often also takes action against Kurdish militants. The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which is affiliated with Kurdistan militants, is located in different places. Its members are not only limited to Kurdistan, but also Iran, Iraq and Syria, which borders Kurdistan, but also in Sweden and from time to time protest against Turkey in Sweden.
The border of Türkiye and Kurdistan also connects. Erdogan wants the law to be strict while taking action against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in Sweden. In such a situation, he has told this thing to Stoltenberg on the phone.