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All fines that can be imposed on you in Greece


We bring to your attention some of the most important facts and tips to make your vacation in Greece (if you decided to vacation there) trouble-free:

– For exceeding the maximum permitted speed by up to 20 km/h – 40 euros by up to 30 km/h. – 100 euros, when driving on the highway at over 150 km/h. – the fine is 350 euros and the license will be revoked for 90 days.

– For talking on the phone (only Bluetooth is possible) while driving, the fine is 100 euros.

– For a dangerous maneuver – the penalty is 700 euros, 30 days without a license and stopping the vehicle from driving for 10 days.

– For running a red light – 700 euro fine, as well as removal of the car’s plates for 60 days and revocation of the driver’s license for 20 days.

– For improper treatment of pedestrians on a pedestrian path – 200 euros and revocation of the license for 20 days.

– Violation of a prohibitory sign – 200 euros and revocation of license for 20 days.

– For the use of alcohol, the penalty varies from 200 to 1,200 euros, six months without a license and possibly two months in prison, depending on the amount.

-Driving after the use of drugs or intoxicating substances – a minimum fine of 200 euros, revocation of the license between 90 and 180 days, and imprisonment for up to 3 years.

– Without seat belts, both for the passengers who are in the front of the car and for those who are in the back – a fine of 350 euros and revocation of the license for up to 20 days.

– Fines of 1,500 euros for anyone who smokes in a car in the presence of a child, whether the driver or not. The fine is doubled to 3,000 euros if the vehicle is state-owned.

– Driving with flip-flops – 50 euros.

– A fine of 100 euros and 30 days license suspension if both hands are not on the steering wheel (example: drinking mineral water).

– Driving without a license will cost you 200 euros.

– For not wearing a seat belt – 350 euros, and the license is taken away for 10 days.

– For an open tow truck – the fine is around 160 euros.

– For non-observance of signaling at a railway crossing or improper overtaking, the fine is 700 euros and revocation of license for up to 60 days.

– The use of anti-radar is strictly prohibited. For him, the fine is 2000 euros. In addition to a monetary penalty, the driver’s license will be revoked for 30 days and the vehicle’s registration plates will be removed for two months.

If the numbers are revoked, the car has no right to move and remain in Greece, since without registration plates it cannot cross the border. After the penalty has expired, the driver or a person authorized by him can go to Greece and get the ticket and numbers back. Penalties are imposed administratively, not judicially, and take effect immediately. Request a record of the penalty imposed as you have the right to appeal. Paying immediately leads to a reduction in the fine.

It is also forbidden to carry firearms and/or melee weapons, including carrying them in a car, if you do not have a permit, which must be translated and legalized in Greek.

It is mandatory to have a valid car insurance!

Other fines lurking:

– The import of fuel is prohibited – the vehicle is confiscated. It is interpreted as illegal traffic of excise goods.

– 300 euros for waste on the beach.

– Wild camping is prohibited. As the fines for this start from 150 euros and go to prison.

– It is forbidden to place tents and caravans outside the designated camping areas. The fine is 150 euros and up to three months in prison.

– Lighting a fire is absolutely prohibited, and the penalties are thousands of euros.

It is very important to know that if you provide your vehicle to a third party and an offense is committed, the owner of the vehicle is criminally liable for malicious acts committed with the vehicle.

Your holiday in Greece is ruined if you are caught hitchhiking with an illegal alien. According to the Greek Penal Code, sentences for trafficking in illegal immigrants range from 2 to 20 years of imprisonment for each person transported!

Aggressive behavior against a uniformed officer is also punishable. Do not try to bribe a police officer as they will arrest you and impound the vehicle for at least 6 months.

Quiet Hours:

From April 1 to September 30, quiet hours are set and enforced during the summer season.

According to the order of the police, the daytime and nighttime quiet hours are:

– from 3:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.

– from 11:00 p.m. until 07:00 /morning/.

Making noise, even loud conversations, is prohibited. You can file an indictment and be detained.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom: https://www.pexels.com/photo/architectural-photography-of-three-pink-blue-and-yellow-buildings-347141/

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