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Putin Condemns Wagner Organizers, Accusing Them of Betrayal


Russian President Vladimir Putin has publicly condemned the organizers of the recent mutiny, which lasted only a short while, accusing them of betraying their country and the fighters they commanded. In his first public statement since warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin’s armed uprising ended on Saturday, Putin addressed the Wagner paramilitaries, urging them to sign contracts with Russia’s defense ministry, return home, or leave the country for Belarus.

During his impassioned five-minute speech on Monday, President Putin asserted that the revolt orchestrated by Wagner was destined to fail from the beginning. He directly appealed to the rank-and-file members of Wagner, stating that the organizers of the mutiny had betrayed both their country and their comrades. Putin emphasized that the majority of the group’s fighters were “patriots of Russia” who had been manipulated by their leadership.

The leader of the Wagner militia, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has denied attempting to overthrow the Russian government. In a recorded voice message posted on Telegram on Monday, Prigozhin reiterated his criticism of the country’s defense establishment. He stated that his objective had been to protest against the recent decision to disband Wagner and to expose the weaknesses of Russia’s domestic defense capabilities.

Prigozhin clarified that their goal was not to topple the lawfully elected regime but to prevent the disintegration of the paramilitary group. He blamed the leadership for their unprofessional actions during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and claimed that if the regular army had received the same level of training and morale as Wagner, the war in Ukraine could have been resolved in a single day.

Despite Prigozhin’s assertion that their decision to turn back came from a desire to avoid bloodshed and to express their protest rather than to overthrow the government, his revolt has been widely regarded as the most significant threat to Putin’s rule in his 23-year tenure.

While US President Joe Biden claimed that the situation was part of an internal struggle within the Russian system and denied any US involvement, the EU’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, characterized Prigozhin as a “monster acting against his creator.” He further remarked that the events of the weekend demonstrated cracks in Putin’s military power.

UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace downplayed the impact of the uprising on Putin’s authority, noting that the war in Ukraine was still being conducted by key figures within the Russian system, including Valery Gerasimov and Sergei Shoigu, whom Prigozhin had targeted with his accusations of corruption and poor planning.

The legal case against Prigozhin is reportedly ongoing, despite initial indications from the Kremlin that it would be dropped. Prigozhin’s grievances with Gerasimov and Shoigu escalated following the passing of laws requiring all irregular forces, including Wagner, to pledge allegiance to the defense ministry and come under its structure.

Prigozhin claimed that Wagner was willing to comply with these regulations and was in the process of packing up its military equipment to hand over to the army when their base camps were allegedly targeted by Russian military airstrikes, resulting in the deaths of over two dozen Wagner troops. The defense ministry denied the allegations of air strikes on Wagner base camps.

According to Prigozhin, despite the alleged airstrikes, Wagner managed to seize the major southern city of Rostov-on-Don, along with disarming military obstacles and taking control of bases and airfields along their path. He claimed that residents welcomed Wagner, with many expressing support and disappointment when the group decided to halt its advance.

The events surrounding the Wagner mutiny have drawn international attention and sparked discussions about Putin’s authority and the state of Russia’s military power. While some, like US President Joe Biden, view it as an internal struggle within the Russian system, others, such as the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell, see it as a sign of cracks in Putin’s military strength.

UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, however, downplayed the impact of the uprising on Putin’s rule, emphasizing that the ongoing war in Ukraine was still being prosecuted by key figures within the Russian system. Wallace stated that it would be an overstatement to consider the mutiny a significant derailment of the Kremlin.

The legal case against Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner, is reportedly continuing despite initial indications from the Kremlin that it would be dropped. Prigozhin has long criticized Valery Gerasimov and Sergei Shoigu, accusing them of corruption and poor planning that allegedly resulted in the deaths of Russian soldiers.

The revolt led by Prigozhin and the subsequent response from President Putin highlight the complex dynamics and power struggles within the Russian military and security apparatus. The future implications of this mutiny, as well as the fate of Wagner and its leadership, remain uncertain. The situation has shed light on the need for Russia to address the issues surrounding paramilitary groups and their role within the country’s defense structure.

As the aftermath of the Wagner mutiny continues to unfold, Russia and the international community will closely monitor any developments that may impact the country’s internal stability and its foreign policy decisions. The events have raised questions about the extent of loyalty, accountability, and control within Russia’s military forces, as well as the potential for similar incidents in the future.

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