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New York

Author: Pawan Barapatre

Security keeps us going. It helps us get complacent sometimes, and this may not always be a bad thing. Complacent, in this context, calms the chaos of uncertainty, the ‘what ifs’ that worry us. Money is...

UPI’s Global Expansion: A New Era of Cross-Border Transactions

India’s UPI, or Unified Payments Interface, is now expanding its reach beyond borders. This month, Indians can use UPI to buy tickets to visit...

Will Government support and Investor Eagerness in Agritech Uplift India’s Farming Industry?

The agritech sector has grown significantly in the last ten years, with the number of startups increasing from 50 to 6,224, along with investments. Despite...

MoS Chandrasekhar highlights India’s transition from a jobless state to one led by employment growth over the course of 10 years.

India has seen big changes in job opportunities over the past 10 years, says Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar. Before, there were not many jobs, but...

Bringing Back Brilliance: 75 Indian Scientists Return Home, Spotlight on AI and ML

Around 75 Indian scientists living abroad are set to return to India within the next three years as part of the government's new fellowship...

Struggling to Reach Your Goals? Discover the True Path with Priority Management Mastery.

Feeling challenged in achieving your goals? Explore the transformative potential of mastering priority management for unlocking the true path to success. 1. Reframing Time Management:...

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